However, it is most likely that since he's a wanted rabbit, someone has most likely told the Toon Patrol about his whereabouts. Roger it seems, was able to find Valiant's office, but not after asking a number of people for help. Valiant goes into his office, and after glancing at one of the pictures of Jessica and Acme, notices that in Acme's coat pocket, is a piece of paper that says 'last will and testament.' Settling down for a small nap, Valiant finds Roger is hiding in his bed. However, while there is talk that Acme had a will that stipulated this, noone has ever seen it. Acme had once made a solemn oath that he would leave Toontown in the ownership of the toons if anything happened to him, according to Herman. Herman pleads with the detective that Roger is innocent, and that Acme was most likely 'bumped off' because he owned Toontown. Valiant returns to his office, only to find Baby Herman waiting for him. The Judge demonstrates the Dip to Valiant at the Gag Factory, when he dips and obliterates a squeaking toon shoe. Having jurisdiction over Toontown, the judge explains to Valiant that in order to 'rein in the insanity,' he has resorted to a new method on which toons can be killed: The Dip, a mixture of turpentine, acetone, and benzine.

At the Acme Gag Factory, Valiant is introduced to Judge Doom (Christopher Lloyd), and his gang of Weasels that run his 'Toon Patrol' gang. Currently, Roger is the prime suspect, given what he said to Maroon and Valiant. The next day, Valiant is awoken by Lieutenant Santino (Richard LeParmentier), who has come to inform him that Marvin Acme was killed the night before. Infuriated by the photos, Roger claims that he and his wife will be happy again, and bolts from the office. Valiant takes pictures, and shows them to Roger and Maroon in the Studio Head's main office. After the show, Valiant sneaks out the back to a window, and sees Jessica in her dressing room, with Marvin Acme, playing pattycake. Acme playfully squirts ink on Valiant's shirt, which infuriates the Private Eye, until it is revealed that the ink is 'disappearing ink.' Shortly afterwards, the show starts, and Valiant is shocked to find that Jessica is not really a rabbit, but a shapely toon woman. Later that evening, Valiant goes to the Ink and Paint Club, where he encounters Toontown's owner and 'gag king, Marvin Acme (Stubby Kaye) in the audience.

When Valiant claims he doesn't work in Toontown, Maroon tells him that Jessica performs at a club in Los Angeles called 'The Ink and Paint Club.' Valiant accepts the assignment for $100, of which Maroon pays $50 upfront, and the other half promised upon completion of the assignment. Maroon assigns Valiant to get pictures to confirm this rumor. Recent newspaper articles have circulated rumors that Jessica is seeing someone else. Maroon chalks Roger's acting mistakes up to him being worried about his wife, Jessica. Maroon is upset that one of the studio's biggest stars, Roger Rabbit, has already put the latest Baby Herman cartoon over-budget by $25,000. Former toon Private Eye Eddie Valiant (Bob Hoskins) is called to the Maroon Cartoon Studios lot at the request of its owner, R.K.