Preschool home visits
Preschool home visits

preschool home visits

Partnering with parents to prepare their children for school success.The primary goal of the Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) program is: The HIPPY program seeks to support parents who may not feel sufficiently confident to prepare their children for school, and is designed to remove barriers to participation in education. HIPPY believes that parents play a critical role in their children's education. These coordinators and home visitors role-play the activities with the parents and support each family throughout its participation in the program. The program uses trained coordinators and community-based home visitors who go into the home. In addition to these basic materials, supplies such as scissors and crayons are provided for each participating family. The HIPPY Curriculum contains 30 weekly activity packets, a set of storybooks, and a set of 20 manipulative shapes for each year.

preschool home visits preschool home visits

The parent is provided with a set of carefully developed curriculum, books, and materials designed to strengthen their child's cognitive and early literacy skills, as well as their social, emotional, and physical development. HIPPY is a home-based and parent-involved school readiness program that helps parents prepare their children ages three to five years old for success in school and beyond. Parents who have young children and have limited formal education and resources

Preschool home visits